Be focus: (an excerp from my book "My Result 24/7". Please coment and review)

Be Focus One very strong attribute a person needs to cultivate is to be focus. If you must attain to your life project goal, you should remember well your inputs and the type of activities you engage in which will produce the desire results. Just imagine yourself being in the boxing ring for a fight for life victory? How will you direct your blows--will you be striking the air instead of directing your blows on the target. If you want to remain in that game you must strike well. Remember we all got 24 hours in our life although the number of years in our life may differ slightly due to unforeseen occurrences that befall us all but the gift of life have given us an equal opportunity.— People who are attaining their life goals in this life are not alien’s creature but are normal people like you and me—remember too you are in that boxing ring and that you need to focus and keep striking to get that desire result to win. What if you are knocked down in that ring, will...