Be focus: (an excerp from my book "My Result 24/7". Please coment and review)

Be Focus
One very strong attribute a person needs to cultivate is to be focus.  If you must attain to your life project goal, you should remember well your inputs and the type of activities you engage in which will produce the desire results. Just imagine yourself being in the boxing ring for a fight for life victory? How will you direct your blows--will you be striking the air instead of directing your blows on the target.  If you want to remain in that game you must strike well. Remember we all got 24 hours in our life although the number of years in our life may differ slightly due to unforeseen occurrences that befall us all but the gift of life have given us an equal opportunity.—
People who are attaining their life goals in this life are not alien’s creature but are normal people like you and me—remember too you are in that boxing ring and that you need to focus and keep striking to get that desire result to win. What if you are knocked down in that ring, will you stay down feeling sorry for yourself as if the rounds are over?  Have you seen when people are walking and slip to the floor?  What do they do? They immediately bounce back up and keep heading to the point- They stay focus- they do not keep down- they keep moving. If you must attain to the desire results you wish for, you must direct your inputs to generate those results with the right amount of inputs too plus the types of smart activities required for attaining the desire results.
I say again be focus—commit yourself right to it, keep it in front of you—live it, breathe it and be consume by it. That means speaking about it when you lie down and when you get up strike it some more. Be diligent, purposeful and dutiful. Live each day striking the right spot as if you have no time left. The loser will be those that leave and turn back and lose faith in themselves and there purpose.  I tell you today my friends for free, if you lost focus you will not achieve your life result you set out to attained- and will soon be sorry about the things that you were supposed to do , 2 years , 5 years or ten years ago.  I say to you today, this is a fight to succeed. You must give it all you got. You will get up again and redirect your blows and strike again until you are victorious.
…… your best results.


  1. If only people could pay attention to there being focus...a lot can be achieved.

  2. Result, your words are a source of strength for me, life is all about been focus, many of life failure are people who did not realized how closed they were to success when they give up. My motto, never give up on life no matter how difficult it may seems at start.


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