What is your stand point or view point of Life? (This is excerpts from my book “Your Result 24/7” Please view, review, comment and share.)
Life is hard, Life is too tough, Life is boring some may say, but life could be better because life is what your inputs are therefore life could also be good and gracious too. All these statements can be true depending on your view point and your stand point. Just take for example the letter “M”…. depending on what side you stand from the opposite sides will picture what you see. It could be a W or E or 3, instead of the M. We can’t always control our current situations but we can control how we choose to view them. So take a stand on what you want to view in your life project differently and begin now. Let it be seeing in you that come what may, that the kind of view you which to you hold about your life is what should be present before you at all times. You must hold a very rigid but purposeful stand of your life project if you should get things working your way. Remember, everything that had ever been came in to existence from abstract thinking. Fro...
Nice one result. This is an added knowledge