You can change your current circumstances My Result 24/7

You can change your current circumstances My Result 24/7
If you were ask this question directly: How is life with you now? In other words how do you view life now, how would you answer? This question about life situation can bring about a lot more comments. For some people life is hard, for others life is bad, and still for others life is boring. If this is how you feel, I want to tell you today that life is good and could be better. What can help you to change that perception is the kind of goals you set for yourself and the results you want to see.  Listen up, if your life is a project how will you want it to end?  Prematurely or aborted, never winning or never happening?  Fail or unsuccessful? You will agree with me that nobody will want to accept any of these for an answer. Just imagine this scenario with me for a moment; What would have happened to you as a person if when the fertile egg that was fertilized and conceived (you) had turn out to be premature or aborted, abandon or stop moving?  Guess what? You will not be here reading or going through this article today. You would have been off-record or deleted. So sit up my friend and get into the “be successful mode”. You should have a purpose for getting up every morning.  You should set goals for yourself in life. What are you waiting for? Create one and pursue it or Life will set its own goals for you that you will not be able to measure up to.   Come to think of it, suppose this breath air or oxygen that you are getting in your lungs to survive starts to go low and you begin gasping for air and someone credible recommend to you how you can tune up the free air to keep existing, what will you do? How long will it take you before you get moving? I tell you, you will not procrastinate not even for a minute; you will be on your way to securing that life sustaining air you desperately need to survive.  This is exactly what you are going to do if you really want life to be better with you. You must choose to follow the same momentum. Set your goals now and jumps-tart.

You see talking about jump-starting your goals will mean that you do not want anything to slow you down again. There are lots of distractions that slow people down today. What books do you read? What movies do you watch? What friends do you keep and what kind of other recreation do you engage in. Leave those distractions for a while and occupy yourself constantly with lessons learned from other successful people. Read motivational materials, engage in meaningful conversations. Be consumed by the goals you set out to achieve. You got to remain engaged, you got to be absorbed in your choice of getting the results you so desired. Remember that the inputs you make and activities you carry out now will naturally determine the kind of results you will get, period.  A farmer planting rice will first acquired the land, input resources, devote time and efforts tilling the soil, nurturing and carrying out the actual activities of planting and watering the seed, only than he will reap a high yield in rice production.
He does not waste his time with people who are not in the same line of thought because his goal is to get a very high yield. So his thinking, his conversation his aspiration, his day to day activity is link to his goal of getting a high yield.
So the big question is who are your friends?   Are your friends pessimistic or optimistic? This means that are they the type that do not seems to see anything good, positive in life around them or are they strong and determined? What their life project looks like judging from the indicators you see on the wall.  Just in case you forget , let me remind you quickly that the books you read , the movies you watch, the entertainment you are involve with they are all like companions or company you keep and they can impact your life negatively or positively.   Remember for a fact your friends do have influence on you for good or for bad. And if you must attain to your goals, you must change those things and companions that heavily weight you down negatively. I tell you my friend you can change your circumstances today when you change your companions. Leave them, drop them off you and run to jumpstarts your goals you set for yourself if you want to see different and better results. If you think you can keep on doing the same things and expect to have different results, please allow me to tell you that this attitude and theory will defy science and logic because it is just not possible. Truly if you actually change your negative habits and your negative companion you will be doing the greatest favor ever.  Nothing is going to happen to you and you are not going to lose anything apart from the extract weight and excess baggage you just off loaded. Now the draw back factor in your life that had stopped you from moving forward is no more. Go now and pursue your goals. Others have done it so you can do it too.
…….towards your best results.


  1. Well noted Honorable, this has always been my attitude about life,setting goals and striving hard to achieve them in respective of how difficult it may seems or appear to others.

    1. When you realize the cost and effect you will definitely com to the conclusion that life thus have a purpose.....


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