Why are your “Results” not positive? Excerpts from My result 24/7

Excerpts from My result 24/7 -Why are your “Results” not positive?
     “Resources are shrinking and increasing demand for better quality results. There is also an Increasing need to improve efficiency and accountability for results. Time is running out   A result is a describable or measurable change that is derived from a cause and effect relationship. RESULT = CHANGE, CAUSE = EFFECT.
Inputs are few, inputs are not just right and inputs are not use properly? Other causes are activities are not carry out properly, in time or are not just align.  Another factor is your mind set to see the main objective as a means to an end. What are the needs will the course of action fulfill? Another reason for results failure is that when the project is designed without consultations. I called that lack of stake holder’s inputs. How can they be involved? Who are your stakeholders? Are they your Family, Mentors and coaches?  Just from reading, listening to yourself -- what is your life project?  Is it having your dream home, dream car, dream relationship, happy family, good health, wealth or maybe all of the above? What are you doing about it?  What are you willing to let go – Remember some project take a life time and others are schedule to complete in stages. 


A typical Result Base work planned
You will have your Inputs, you will carry out some activities, you must gauge from time to time to measure your progress towards your result, You will verify by checking your inputs and activities. When you follow this plan you will definitely get a chain of results in the form of Output, Outcome, and Impact. But what are they? How will they help you achieved the results you desired. See how I define them. Input: These are human, material, financial and other resources that are required to undertake activities
Activities: Actions taken or work performed to produce specific outputs through mobilizing inputs
Output: These are the immediate results as a consequence of completed activities
Outcome: These are likely or achieved short-term and medium- term effects of outputs
Impact: Long-term effects that the logical consequence of the achievement of the outcomes. In other words what your results have contributed to your personality or to your community. This is the blue print, this is your result plan follow it to achieve your results.

See a typical example of getting results using RBM concept

Example of Improving Supply of Potable Water and Sanitation Facilities

Improved health and sanitary conditions in targeted communities.
Improved access to sustainable water and sanitation services for target communities.
Improved and renovated water systems
Designing, constructing new water and sanitation facilities.
Human resources, training, expert, funding etc.


The Result Chain
ACTIVITY     OUTPUT               OUTCOME         IMPACT      
HOW ??
INPUTS      Immediate    End-of-project     A long-term
Human                                Results                 programme                  Result as a
Material                                                           Results                           logical
Resources                                                                                             consequences

 ....towards your best results!


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