You can change your current circumstances My Result 24/7
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You can change your current circumstances My Result 24/7 If you were ask this question directly: How is life with you now? In other words how do you view life now, how would you answer? This question about life situation can bring about a lot more comments. For some people life is hard, for others life is bad, and still for others life is boring. If this is how you feel, I want to tell you today that life is good and could be better. What can help you to change that perception is the kind of goals you set for yourself and the results you want to see. Listen up, if your life is a project how will you want it to end? Prematurely or aborted, never winning or never happening? Fail or unsuccessful? You will agree with me that nobody will want to accept any of these for an answer. Just imagine this scenario with me for a moment; What would have happened to you as a person if when the fertile egg that was fertilized and conceived (you) had turn out to be premature ...
Why are your “Results” not positive? Excerpts from My result 24/7
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Excerpts from My result 24/7 -Why are your “Results” not positive? • “Resources are shrinking and increasing demand for better quality results. There is also an Increasing need to improve efficiency and accountability for results. Time is running out ” A result is a describable or measurable change that is derived from a cause and effect relationship. RESULT = CHANGE, CAUSE = EFFECT. Inputs are few, inputs are not just right and inputs are not use properly? Other causes are activities are not carry out properly, in time or are not just align. Another factor is your mind set to see the main objective as a means to an end. What are the needs will the course of action fulfill? Another reason for results failure is that when the project is designed without consultations. I called that lack of stake holder’s inputs. How can they be involved? Who are your stakeholders? Are they your Family, Mentors and coaches? Just from reading, li...
Be focus: (an excerp from my book "My Result 24/7". Please coment and review)
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Be Focus One very strong attribute a person needs to cultivate is to be focus. If you must attain to your life project goal, you should remember well your inputs and the type of activities you engage in which will produce the desire results. Just imagine yourself being in the boxing ring for a fight for life victory? How will you direct your blows--will you be striking the air instead of directing your blows on the target. If you want to remain in that game you must strike well. Remember we all got 24 hours in our life although the number of years in our life may differ slightly due to unforeseen occurrences that befall us all but the gift of life have given us an equal opportunity.— People who are attaining their life goals in this life are not alien’s creature but are normal people like you and me—remember too you are in that boxing ring and that you need to focus and keep striking to get that desire result to win. What if you are knocked down in that ring, will...
What is your stand point or view point of Life? (This is excerpts from my book “Your Result 24/7” Please view, review, comment and share.)
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Life is hard, Life is too tough, Life is boring some may say, but life could be better because life is what your inputs are therefore life could also be good and gracious too. All these statements can be true depending on your view point and your stand point. Just take for example the letter “M”…. depending on what side you stand from the opposite sides will picture what you see. It could be a W or E or 3, instead of the M. We can’t always control our current situations but we can control how we choose to view them. So take a stand on what you want to view in your life project differently and begin now. Let it be seeing in you that come what may, that the kind of view you which to you hold about your life is what should be present before you at all times. You must hold a very rigid but purposeful stand of your life project if you should get things working your way. Remember, everything that had ever been came in to existence from abstract thinking. Fro...